Sam of ‘The Blind Life’ Shares About His Access Technology YouTube Channel

Individual holding a white cane with one hand and a professional camera, directed toward his face, with the other

Here’s why I started a YouTube channel for people who are blind/ low vision with over 50,000 subscribers.

In 2013, I was creating videos for a mobile technology channel and decided to sneak in a video about getting a larger font on your mobile device. I realized there were several comments from Visually Impaired People (VIPs) thanking me for the information. I wondered what other resources are available on YouTube for the blind and low-vision community. I was shocked at how little content there was aimed at my community. I searched for my eye disease, Stargardt disease, and found almost nothing. Based on the response from that first video and a couple more I made shortly after, I decided there was a need for a channel dedicated to those who are blind or low vision.

A moody, black and white image of an individual leaning against a brick building holding a white cane

Creating “The Blind Life”

The early years consisted of many videos on many topics centered around living with low vision. Over the years, The Blind Life channel has morphed and grown. I’ve always been a bit of a tech geek, so from the beginning, I included videos about assistive tech devices and accessibility settings on phones, tablets, and computers. I quickly began to get more and more questions about devices and requests for me to demonstrate or review products new to the market. As a result, The Blind Life has become known as a great resource of unbiased information about assistive technology products. 

Individual holding a VR headset

I’ve been fortunate to have been recognized by many vendors, distributors, and manufacturers as a valuable partner in introducing their products to the blind/ low vision community and giving honest feedback for product improvement.  For a tech guy like myself, having the opportunity to play with so many cool gadgets and share them with my viewers has been truly awesome.

If you are curious about a device, there’s a good chance I’ve made a video about it.  Head to The Blind Life channel to learn about the products available to help us live our Best Blind Lives.

Individual standing on a bridge while holding a white cane and smiling at the camera

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