Transitions: Ages and Stages

As you navigating the journey of your child as they transition from Individualized Family Service Plans (IFSP) to life after high school you’ll find tips and ideas to help you along the way. These resources are designed to support families, professionals and students themselves through each critical phase of educational development and planning. Here, you’ll find dedicated section on transitioning from IFSP to preschool and information about assessments, IEP and how to help your child make this transition as smooth as possible. As your child moves from preschool to elementary school discover articles to support this stage.

We dive into the steps between elementary to middle school, information about classes, growing up and new experiences. Finally, we share how to prepare your child for life after school. A keen focus on preparing for independent living, job skills and supports, and exploring future education opportunities. Each section is tailored to provide you with the knowledge and tools needed to make informed decisions and advocate for the best possible outcomes for students transitioning at every educational milestone.

A preschool room with flower art on the wall and a Perkin's Braille Writer on a desk.

From Early Intervention to Preschool

Planning to transition out of IFSP into preschool services can begin as early as two years and three months. This transition time allows for assessments and meetings to set your child and the education team up for success at day one. 

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Two preschoolers sitting at a table, smiling.

Preschool to Elementary

Transitioning from preschool to kindergarten is a big step. Learning how to prepare your child for these changes and what you can do with your educational team will support a seamless move to the next step in their education journey.

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A student working on an iPad with his teacher sitting next to him.

Elementary to Middle School

Moving from elementary to middle school represents increased independence for your child. Your child’s educational team, including new team members, can work together to support your child’s confidence and comfort with the new school. 

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A group of high school students receiving awards.

Middle School to Beyond

Preparing for life post-graduation starts early. Transition meetings begin at age 14 where planning for employment, education or training, and independent living begins.

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Teenage girl smiling and folding arms

10 Resources for Transitioning from High School to College or Work

How are you and feeling about your upcoming transition from high school? Can college or a career “not come soon enough” or hoping time will slow down because you appreciate the support of home life and you do not want to say goodbye to your friends? Maybe you are feeling a little of both, and […]

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Ally, with light blond hair and teal eyeglasses, clutches her left arm with her right hand

First Day Jitters: Four Stories of Transition (Elementary, Middle, High, College)

It can certainly feel daunting when your child or teen who is blind or low vision is transitioning to their next season of education (elementary, middle, high school, or college)! Much like the popular children’s book series First Day Jitters, you and your maturing child may have jitters—and more than a few! You may both […]

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Photo of a young man looking at a computer screen with another individual in the background doing the same.

Navigating Vocational Rehabilitation Services as a High School Student Who Is Blind or Low Vision

There are first steps to take when spreading your wings, including knowing what it takes to network. This post will explore the wealth of transition resources available at your local Vocational Rehabilitation Services office. State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Services aims to help people with significant disabilities acquire the skills needed to find and retain employment successfully. […]

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Young adult sitting at a computer

Everyday Job Opportunities in Your Community

Youth who are blind or low vision begin to work on their transition individualized education plan (IEP) by their 16th birthday. The transition IEP plan has three distinct goals: postsecondary/education, employment, and independent living. Learn more about transition by checking out Transition from High School to Adult Life for Teenagers Who Are Blind or Have […]

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