Getting Around

Orientation and Mobility (O&M) is a profession specific to blindness and low vision that teaches safe, efficient, and effective travel skills to people of all ages.

close up of tennis shoes and a white cane

What is Orientation and Mobility?

Orientation and Mobility (O&M) is a profession specific to blindness and low vision that teaches safe, efficient, and effective travel skills to people of all ages: Orientation and Mobility Specialists An Orientation and Mobility (O&M) Specialist provides instruction to help you develop or re-learn the skills and concepts needed to travel safely and independently within […]

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compass pointing northwest


Find out how to know where you are in your home or neighborhood. Learn how to use your other senses to get around, find dropped objects, and travel indoors and out.

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Person holding their arm extended in front of their face finds an open cabinet door

Protecting Your Body

For maximum protection, you should use a combination of upper and lower body protective techniques and/or a long white cane.

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Person enters city bus


Traveling when blind or low vision can have its share of adventures. Check out the articles in this section to learn about using ride-share and public transportation, including trains, busses, and air travel.

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Dog guide and handler walk outdoors

Walking with a Human or Dog Guide

Learn how a human guide can help a person who is blind or low vision to navigate through crowds and unknown spaces safely and effectively. Find out about dog guides and the role they play in getting around for people who are blind or low vision.

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Person wearing eyeglasses drives a car


Can a person drive with low vision? Learn about driving safety and bioptic driving, including bioptic driving rules and regulations.

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close-up of a white cane in use

Cane Travel

Read about how to learn to use a cane and what type to use. Should you use a white cane if you have low vision? What are white cane laws? These and many other questions are covered in this section.

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Individual wearing hearing aids walks outdoors

Traveling with Combined Hearing and Vision Loss

People who have hearing loss as well as low vision—and people who are profoundly deaf and totally blind—can travel in their communities, commute to work, and even travel around the world independently.

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