
Can a person drive with low vision? Learn about driving safety and bioptic driving, including bioptic driving rules and regulations.

Eyeglasses with bioptic lenses

Driving with Low Vision

Many adults with low vision want to continue driving automobiles because it represents independence, convenience, and freedom. Perhaps you’re one of those adults! Here’s something to consider: If you are a driver who has low vision, it is important that you have a strong sense of driver responsibility and a willingness to exercise sound judgment […]

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Older couple embracing in the car

Driving Safety for Older Adults

By Anne Riddering, OTR/L, CLVT, COMS Driving is an extremely complex everyday task. There are visual, cognitive (thinking, judgment, reasoning, remembering), and physical demands of driving that require the older adult driver to attend to a rapidly changing environment outside of the car. As the car moves through the environment, the driver must react quickly, […]

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Older person diving

Restrictive Driving Privileges

          What Do Older People Fear Most About Retirement? by Chuck Huss, COMS, Driver Rehabilitation Specialist Does it include: being dependent on others, no longer being able to come and go as they please, or being socially isolated from friends or relatives? Do older people near you illustrate any anxiety as the date of their […]

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