Cane Travel

Read about how to learn to use a cane and what type to use. Should you use a white cane if you have low vision? What are white cane laws? These and many other questions are covered in this section.

Person walking outside with a white cane and a leashed dog

Does the Cane Have to Be White?

Canes for Outdoor Travel When used properly, a cane can provide information and protection, regardless of its color – it does not have to be white to be effective. Most canes used by blind people are white, but they are also available in red, black, yellow, and blue. For example, these canes from AmbuTech are […]

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The tip of five white canes, each with a different cane tip

What Type of Cane Should I Use?

The Different Types of Canes Two types of canes are most commonly used: Left: One type of support cane (credit: Wikipedia)Middle: One type of “probing” cane (credit: Wikipedia)Right: Use of a support cane and probing cane foroutdoor travel (credit: Dona Sauerburger) Long white canes come in two categories: folding and straight. Folding canes, which can […]

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Person seated next to a folded white cane

What Will People Think About Me If I Use a White Cane?

Using a White Cane If you are embarrassed to be seen with a cane, consider what your own reaction might be if you saw someone else walking with a cane or a guide dog. When asked about their reactions to a person who is carrying a white cane, most people often say that the person […]

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Close-up of person walking with a white cane

How Do I Learn to Use a Cane?

When used correctly, the cane searches the ground ahead of each step. It warns you of obstacles and drop-offs and informs you of what’s in front of you. The correct cane technique, which will provide maximum protection and information, is as follows: Hold the cane with your hand centered in front of your body; Move […]

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