Wearable Technology That May Help Reduce Eye-Pressing

Sleek rubber adjustable bracelet with silver plate.

Breaking a habit can be extremely challenging. One such habit common to children who are blind or low vision is eye pressing, poking, or rubbing. This is a habit that can damage the eye. HabitAware and APH have teamed up to create a device to help children with eye-poking and eye-pressing behavior.

Traditionally, experts recommend assisting your child in replacing eye pressing with another activity and praising your child for participating in the alternative behavior. If redirecting doesn’t seem to be successful, you may find a new device helpful. Learn more about the device and read the invitation to join a data-gathering study.

How the Device Works

HabitAware created a device that gently notifies users that they are about to engage in repetitive behavior. The Keen is a smart bracelet, similar to a fitness band. It makes users aware of subconscious habits. HabitAware notes that 84% of users, dealing with habits like hair pulling, skin picking, and nail-biting, find the bracelet reduces these behaviors.

Keen works with a mobile app to record repetitive movements such as eye pressing or eye poking. It then makes the user aware of the motion with a gentle vibration. This subtle vibration will bring attention to the behavior, allowing the user to make a different choice.

An Invitation

HabitAware and APH are seeking participants aged 5-20 for a study. The study explores how Keen works with eye pressing or poking behaviors. The study will only record the movements of children’s arms, hands, and fingers. No names or identifying details of your child will be collected.

If you are interested in participating in this study, schedule a time to learn about the videotaping process and the data collection.