Yes, Your Child Can Learn to Code!

Three students sitting at at classroom table working with the code jumper.

If you’ve heard your child or your child’s school talk about coding and aren’t sure what they’re talking about, don’t worry. Coding is a skill that many children are learning in school today, even when they are very young. While it may seem overwhelming or outside of your knowledge base, it’s important to remember that coding is a skill you and your child can learn! Watching your child learn and discover new tools can be very exciting.  

Coding is a skill used to create websites, apps, games, and more. It’s also a skill in high demand in today’s job market. So why not give it a try? You may be surprised at how much you and your child enjoy it. 

Can Blind or Low Vision People Code? 

Folks may assume children who are blind or low vision aren’t learning and mastering coding. APH Product Manager Katrina Best is here to show us just how accessible coding is with Code Jumper.  

APH developed Code Jumper to support students at the beginning stages of learning coding. The Code Jumper: Coding for Families webinar will provide the opportunity to hear and learn from APH Product Manager Katrina Best about Code Jumper, coding, and how this product can support your child’s interest in future employment in coding. Employment within the coding field is evolving and in high demand.