
Individual in business casual standing in a kitchen

Second Acts: From Programmer to Braille Transcriptionist

Steve Dresser had a solid career working for 30 years as a computer programmer for the state of Connecticut. But after he retired from the position in 2002, he started his own business: Jennco Productions, which is dedicated to producing high-quality braille materials from electronic documents. Blind since birth due to retinopathy of prematurity, Steve […]

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View of Back of Car in Rear View Mirror

2022 in our Rearview: APH ConnectCenter’s Year in Review

Trip Down Memory Lane We’re taking a trip down memory lane—with 2022 in our rearview! We at the APH ConnectCenter invite you to look back with us at the top content of the year—personal favorites from the content managers and each website’s most viewed content. And that’s not all! The APH ConnectCenter’s Information and Referral […]

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A girl standing in a crosswalk trying to cross. Behind her is an APS that doesn't work. [Una joven intenta cruzar sobre la línea peatonal. Detrás de ella hay un APS que no funciona.]

Orientation and Mobility Outcomes After a Hurricane

Living on an island in the Caribbean surrounded by beaches may sound like an eternal vacation. And indeed, most of the time, it is. But there are some exceptions, such as being in the path of hurricanes. In 2017, Puerto Rico experienced the direct impact of Hurricane Maria, a category-five hurricane that brought many adverse […]

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man with head in hands sitting by Christmas tree alone depicting depression during the holidays.

Managing Depression During the Holidays and Beyond

Editor’s note: With the holidays approaching, Audrey Demmitt, R.N., and VisionAware peer, discusses managing depression during the holidays. In her post, she provides excellent tips for coping and information about treatment. The holiday season is tough on those who are struggling with depression, anxiety, and stress. Let’s face it–for many of us, the family gatherings, […]

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