Older Americans Month: Exploring Health and Vision in Aging 

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Welcome to May and the celebration of Older Americans Month! The theme for 2024, “Powered by Connection,” highlights the vital role that meaningful relationships and social connections play in enhancing our health and well-being. May is also Healthy Vision Month. Thus, in this blog, we will explore an overview of several topics featured in the Aging 101 and Health, Vision, and Aging sections on APH VisionAware, providing insights into how these changes can affect our lives.  

Social Isolation and Loneliness 

Social isolation and loneliness are major concerns for older people. This is true for individuals who are blind, have low vision, or dual sensory disabilities. The Social Isolation and Loneliness article takes an in-depth look at these issues.  

Aging 101 Section 

Want to learn more about aging and its impact on vision? The Aging 101 page is for you. The following are just a few of the articles you will find. 

Big Data 

Have you ever wondered about the connection between aging and blindness or low vision? A recent Big Data study by VisionServe Alliance shows the prevalence of chronic conditions is significantly greater among older people who are blind or low vision compared to people without vision impairment. Some chronic conditions included in the study are arthritis, diabetes, stroke, heart condition, and hearing loss. The confluence of these conditions can seriously affect quality of life and level of activity. 

Social Determinants of Health 

The Social Determinants of Health article discusses five key areas of life that impact one’s health and well-being, including:  

  • income,  
  • education,  
  • health care,  
  • neighborhood, and  
  • community-based resources as they relate to older individuals who are blind or low vision. 

Health, Vision, and Aging  

The Health, Vision, and Aging section covers medical conditions, such as arthritis and Parkinson’s, that can result in vision problems and affect everyday functioning. Some forms of inflammatory arthritis can cause eye conditions such as dry eye, scleritis (inflammation of the sclera), and glaucoma. Parkinson’s can cause dry eye or double or blurry vision.  

Stroke can cause decreased or double vision or hemianopsia, a condition in which a person sees only one side of the visual field of each eye, either right or left, due to brain trauma.  

Dementia can result in many visual perception changes. Changes in the visual field, tunnel vision, and decreased depth perception can occur. 

Also check out Bones, Joints, and Osteoporosis.   

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