Aging 101

Find out about the prevalence of blindness and low vision among older people, tips and techniques for serving them, and some of the significant issues that older people who are new to blindness or low vision face.

Person with graying hair uses a white cane and smartphone

Aging and Vision Loss Tool Kit

Do you wish there was a guide explaining how to work with an older person experiencing vision loss later in life? Perhaps you are an individual who offers a variety of services to older people but has not had an opportunity to learn about blindness/ low vision. Knowing how to work with an older person […]

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Older person smiles with nurse in the background

Social Determinants of Health: Their Relation to Vision, Aging, and Advocacy

Consider typical concerns throughout your life. You worry about where to live, how to pay your bills, your health and medical bills, receiving an adequate education, and remaining socially connected. Reflect on how these concerns will affect you as you grow older and begin to experience health issues. These considerations form the basis of this […]

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Person with hands pressed to their chin appears pensive and sad

Social Isolation and Loneliness Among Older Adults and Their Relationship to Vision Loss

by Alberta L. Orr, MSW Loneliness and social isolation are growing public health concerns in our aging society. In fact, loneliness and social isolation are international public health concerns that particularly affect the aging society globally (Fakoya et al., 2020; Campaign to End Loneliness, 2013). Toward the end of the 20th century, the importance of […]

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Close-up of older person holding a support cane

Big Data is a Big Deal for Older People Who Are Blind or Low Vision

As a part of the Aging and Vision Loss National Coalition initiatives, big data regarding people aged 65+ in the United States was utilized to study older Americans and vision loss in a collaboration between VisionServe Alliance (VSA) and The Ohio State University College of Optometry. In November 2021, the two organizations embarked on a […]

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older person with a beard

Health, Vision, and Aging

Vision changes as we age. Specific conditions like arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, and others can exacerbate these issues with dry eyes, impaired eye movement, and even hallucinations. Managing both vision health and underlying conditions is essential for optimal well-being.

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