Career Conversations: Interview with a Blind Audio Engineer  

Career Conversations: Interview with a Blind Audio Engineer Date: 11/02/2023 Time (stated in Eastern Time): 6:00 pm  Fitsville Martin ACVREP CRCC Credits People with different color silhouettes

Join the team at APH CareerConnect when we interview, Fitzville (Son of the Village) G. Martin, an audio engineer and CEO of Will Power Entertainment, LLC. 

Fitzville will discuss with us his career journey and what has inspired him to open Will Power Entertainment, a leading New York City music and video recording studio. Fitsville has produced numerous award-winning music videos.  

The remainder of the hour-long session will provide an opportunity for Transition-age students and curious job seekers to follow up with their questions related to the field of audio engineering as well as what it is like to own your own business.  

Registered attendees including young adults, job seekers, teachers, and rehabilitation professionals can engage with our guest through real-time Q&A networking by learning about different self-advocacy techniques. Career Conversations is produced 10 times per year and is an APH CareerConnect service.