Redesigning Your Home and Fall Prevention

Information and resources to help you make home modifications and provide information about fall prevention, including a home evaluation questionnaire.

dark colored bathroom counter with bright yellow contrasting toothbrush holder, soap tray, and cup

Bathroom Accessibility

Learn how a person with low vision can use color and contrast effectively in the bathroom to increase visibility and safety.

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floorplan with bedroom, study, and living room

Additional Rooms

Learn how a person with low vision can use color and contrast effectively to set up the rooms in their home.

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Person installing lights on an indoor stairwell

Low Vision Considerations

Considering lighting, glare, contrast, and color is important when evaluating your home room by room. This section gives specific suggestions to help you with your decisions.

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Older person holds support cane while a child places hands affectionately on the older person's

Fall Prevention

This section includes tips and techniques on fall prevention, including using a cane as a tool. There is also a series of articles on redesigning your home and conducting a home evaluation.

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