APH Huntington Partners to Host Transition-Age Technology Camp

Young person using a laptop

APH Huntington partnered with the West Virginia Children’s Vision Rehabilitation Program (CVRP) to present a Technology Camp in Charleston, West Virginia. Principally centered upon technology instruction and enriched by opportunities to address orientation and mobility, independent living, self-help, socialization, and transition issues, this three-day educational experience served 30 blind and low-vision students from across West […]

Let’s Learn About APH Braille Displays 

child holds a braille display (Text: Let's Learn APH: Braille Display. William Freeman. ConnectCenter Logo. 9/20 7:00 PM ET.)

Join us for a brief overview of the Mantis Q40 and Chameleon 20 braille displays! We’ll also discuss other braille displays and braille literacy and have time for questions.  Mantis vs Chameleon If you’re unfamiliar, the Mantis and Chameleon have similar software but differ in key ways. The first and most obvious difference is that the Mantis has […]

Communication Devices for Helping Individuals who are DeafBlind

DeafBlind communicator device with 0-9 across the top. on the middle line: @$cents ? and the period sign. Yes and no are on the bottom line. all in braille

Communicating with others can be challenging. For individuals who are DeafBlind, communicating with others presents some additional challenges. Some devices (low and high tech) are available to assist DeafBlind individuals in communicating with those around them. The APH DeafBlind Pocket Communicator The DeafBlind Pocket Communicator (DBPC), a low-tech device, is available through the American Printing […]

Smart Speakers Bring New Access and Opportunity to Blind and Low-Vision Residents in West Virginia

Amazon echo

As discussed in the April 5, 2023, APH VisionAware blog entitled, APH Huntington Conducts Needs Assessment Study for Rural West Virginia Counties, APH Huntington partnered with the Marshall University Research Corporation to conduct a needs assessment study for Cabell and Wayne County West Virginia residents who are blind or have low vision. This study determined […]