
Scrip Talk device with medication bottles

Accessible Devices for Managing Medications with Low or No Vision

by Kim Ladd, RN, BS, CPHQ, CDCES Effectively Managing Medications If you have a chronic disease, like diabetes, effectively managing your medications is an important part of staying healthy. However, if you are blind, you may wonder how you can manage your medications if you can’t see them.  Resources and accessible devices are available to […]

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picture showing where image is focused on the retina coming through the pupil, lens, and cornea

The Retina and Alzheimer’s Disease

In June 2023, the National Institute on Aging (NIA) [of the National Institutes of Health(NIH)] released a report on changes in the retina (the layer of cells lining the back wallof the inside the eye that perceives light and signals the brain so one can see) and theirrelationship to stages of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). As noted […]

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A teen using a white cane and an adult walk down a hallway.

Attending the APH ConnectCenter Family Retreat

“I have never walked into a room full of strangers and instantly connected,” says Rob Harris. Rob attended the APH ConnectCenter Family Retreat recently held in Louisville, and he hasn’t stopped raving about the amazing connections he made or the amount of information he has absorbed since. Rob says that it wasn’t difficult to become […]

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Person wearing business attire walks up office steps with a white cane

Price of Nice: Assumptions, Reality, and Cost-benefit Analysis of ADA Mandates

In his opinion piece for the Colorado Springs Gazette, the Libertarian political commentator and professor Barry Fagin accused the ADA of trying to achieve a public good through private means, unnecessarily (and unconstitutionally) burdening private citizens with the cost of implementation and adherence. A Look at the Cost High cost is a key sticking point […]

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