Macular Hole Updates: Treatments, Recovery Suggestions, and Patient Issues

Joy Efron
Joy R. Efron, Ed.D.

Over the over fourteen years since I wrote Surviving Recovery from Macular Hole Surgery in 2009, there have been many changes in medical theory, practice, and treatment for macular holes. I have been contacted by dozens of people worldwide.

This updated series addresses advances in treating macular holes, recovery suggestions, and important patient issues during recovery.

  • See Suggested Resources for more information about helpful products and organizations and the author’s contact information.

A Disclaimer

I was an educator of blind and low-vision children for 42 years. Although I have read and researched a great deal and have had extensive discussions with retinal specialists, I am not an ophthalmologist or a medical doctor.

Updated August 2023

My Suggestions for Patients Having Macular Hole Surgery

Question Your Retinal Surgeon about Vitrectomy Surgery Be informed, and don’t be afraid to ask questions. Be polite, respectful, and assertive about your concerns and needs. Ask how many vitrectomies your doctor has performed for macular holes. Experience counts. Choose a doctor who has performed this surgery many times. How frequently does your doctor perform […]

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Important Issues Raised by Macular Hole Patients

These issues related to macular hole surgery and recovery were most frequently cited by the readers who contacted me following the publication of my five-part series Surviving Recovery from Macular Hole Surgery. Lack of Information Lack of patient information continues to be a problem. Almost every person who has written to me stated that their […]

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Insurance Coverage and Reimbursement Issues for Macular Hole Surgery

Medicare, most health maintenance organizations, and most insurance companies still consider face-down equipment to be in the category of “comfort and convenience” and not “medically necessary.” This is an extremely frustrating situation. I don’t know how anyone can have a successful recovery without equipment. I believe this is due to two factors: Macular hole surgery […]

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Macular Hole Surgery Recovery Techniques and Suggestions from Readers

In Surviving Recovery from Macular Hole Surgery, I discussed Factors Contributing to a Successful Outcome After Macular Hole Surgery and Suggestions for Maintaining Face-Down Positioning After Macular Hole Surgery. Since then, I have been contacted by dozens of people worldwide who have provided their own helpful suggestions for successful face-down positioning and recovery. Remember that […]

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Advances in Macular Hole Treatment and Recovery

I am aware of the following changes since my macular hole vitrectomy surgery in 2009. One of the most significant changes is that more information is available online. However, this information is still limited, and most is not written in terms easily understood by the general public. A Major Change: Face-Down Positioning Time Requirement In […]

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Macular Hole Statistics

My source for macular hole statistics is The American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) Retina/Vitreous Panel, Preferred Practice Pattern® Guidelines. Idiopathic Macular Hole 2014, Updated 2019.  (Idiopathic Macular Hole Preferred Practice Pattern® – Ophthalmology Updates in Macular Hole Treatment and Recovery Also see Suggested Resources for more information about helpful products and organizations, as well as […]

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My Journey and Vision Recovery from Macular Hole Surgery

Many VisionAware readers have written to me, asking about my vision recovery. It is over fourteen years since my vitrectomy surgery for a full-thickness macular hole in my left eye. It takes more than a year for maximum recovery. I am extremely fortunate. The visual acuity in my left eye has been 20/25 without glasses […]

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