Peer Highlights: APH VisionAware Advisors’ Inspiring Achievements in 2023 

collage of peers: Elizabeth Sammons on the left, Deanna DeAnna Quietwater Noriega to her right, Lynda Lambert far right, Liz Bottner in the center under Deanna, Max Ivy on bottom right

For ten-plus years, volunteer APH VisionAware Peer Advisors have contributed and shaped nearly all of the content on the site today. As a content manager, I am grateful for the expertise, talent, and time the advisors share –assuring VisionAware is a one-stop resource for individuals, family and friends, and professionals in the field of blindness […]

Ten Tips for Exercising Safely with Diabetes: Part 5 in Series

Older Woman Sitting on Chair Stretching

Audrey Demmitt, RN, BSN, is a Diabetes Nurse Educator, APH VisionAware Peer Advisor, and author of the APH VisionAware multi-part blog series on diabetes and diabetes education. In this post, she discusses ten tips for exercising safely with diabetes. In past posts, Audrey has discussed how diabetes education can help lower your blood sugars and reduce the […]