Healthy Vision Month-A Family Focus

National Eye Institute-NIH- Healthy Vision-A Family Focus logo with pivtures of families with children and the logo with an eye and a heart in the center

This year, National Eye Institute’s Healthy Vision Month’s goal is to encourage and equip families to protect their vision together! They aim to highlight their Spanish content to support Spanish-speaking Hispanic/Latino families and caregivers. Spanish/English Materials The National Eye Institute (NEI) created campaign materials using a Spanish-first approach, meaning the information was written in Spanish […]

Clinical Trial for Medication for Geographic Atrophy

Medically reviewed by Sefy Paulose, MD What is Geographic Atrophy? As noted on APH VisionAware, “Age-Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) is a gradual, progressive, painless deterioration of the macula, which is the small area in the center of the retina that gives us our detailed vision.” Geographic Atrophy (GA) is the most advanced form of dry […]