Back to School Checklist for Your Child with a Visual Impairment

A teen smiling holding their cane as they are waiting for the bus. 

As teachers and staff prepare their rooms for another year, there are many steps you and your child’s IEP team can take to ensure a successful school year. Beyond shopping for supplies and choosing the perfect first-day-of-school outfit, consider these tips and ideas to discuss with your child’s IEP team before school begins.  Meet the […]

Children with Blindness and Complex Needs: Building Better Communications  

A child standing and engaged with a large blue barrel with bells moving it around.

Are you ready to better support your child with complex needs? APH Hive’s three-part course provides families with tips that are especially useful for advocating and enhancing communication at home or in discussions with IEP teams. Part 1: Using the Sensing and Learning Approach with Sensorimotor State Learner  Learn how to connect play with learning. […]

The Hive Reading Strategies for Visually Impaired Children: Unlocking the Foundation of Reading

A group of students with one in the middle reading a braille book. The APH Hive logo and graphic around the image.

Are you eager to help your child with blindness or low vision excel in reading? Join us in The Hive course, Unlocking the Foundation of Reading for Students with Visual Impairments. This course allows families to gain valuable insight and explore effective strategies to support their child’s reading development.  Understanding Reading Development  Reading is a […]

Finding Accessible Materials: The Louis Database

Books in an organizer with a label large print.

The Louis database, known for its comprehensive collection of accessible educational material, is designed to support students who are blind or have low vision in finding accessible books. However, many families are unaware of this resource, and we are here to help navigate this extensive website with you. We are providing you with step-by-step guides […]