Biking, Hiking, and Kayaking Safely When Blind or Low Vision

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Phil hiking while wearing a hat and glasses and using a hiking support cane
Phil hiking while wearing a hat and glasses and using a hiking support cane

I always love playing outside. It makes me happy, and I agree with experts who say it’s good for my physical and mental health. However, getting out to play has become more complicated because my vision has faded badly due to glaucoma. I still have some vision in one eye, and with adaptation – and a lot of help – I can still get outdoors, ride my bike, go hiking, and paddle my kayak. 

Each activity presents its own set of challenges, but my basic approach is finding a friend who can see and following them. Friends and family are key to this approach. I no longer drive, so someone always takes me – and my bike or boat – to and from the starting point. Someone always keeps an eye on me while we’re walking, biking, or floating. I used to call them my enablers, but they prefer to think of themselves as my facilitators. 


Many of my best outdoor adventures have been on boats. I have a long history with all kinds of boats, but the only one I can call my own these days is a 12-foot kayak. It does what I need it to do: gets me out on the water. I live close to the Potomac River, which has mostly calm water and easily accessible places to launch. I go with friends, and it’s easy to keep each other in sight and stay together on flat water. On the rare occasions that we encounter rocky places with faster water, I let one of them go first to show me the course through the rocks, and I just follow them closely. It’s a little bumpy sometimes, but I feel confident because I’ve been doing this for a long time and have these helpers nearby if I need them. 


My boat friends are mostly also my bike friends. There is a great biking and hiking trail alongside the Potomac, a C&O Canal National Historical Park feature. The C&O is the only place I ride these days because it’s flat, smooth, and has no car traffic. The trail runs 185 miles from Washington, D.C., to Cumberland, Maryland, so there are plenty of places to ride. 

Whether with a single bike partner or a group, someone always rides next to me as my escort. We ride side by side so we can talk, but when we encounter any obstacles, oncoming bikes, or hikers, my partner warns me and then pulls over directly in front of me. I focus on their rear wheel and follow closely until we pass, and they give me the all-clear. 


Hiking works much the same way. I always have at least one partner. I let them go ahead and watch carefully where they put their feet. They warn me about rocks, roots, and other obstacles, and they stand by watchfully while I take it slow and negotiate any places with doubtful footing. I also use a walking stick, partly for balance and partly to help me judge the trail surface. 

I choose my trails carefully, avoiding those I know are rocky, muddy, or otherwise problematic. It’s important to be realistic about what you can do and what you can’t or shouldn’t. The C&O is always manageable, and I love walking there. But sometimes I want a little variety and turn to one of the other nearby trails. I know my local trails, and I know there are some I won’t try again. Still, that leaves plenty of others I know I can manage – with caution and help. 

Helping Hands 

I recognize I am fortunate to live in a place that offers me good opportunities to go outdoors. I am also blessed to have this terrific network of friends and family as facilitators. And for that matter, I’m not the only one who needs help sometimes. Most of us are moving up in years, and we all need a hand now and then. I’m happy to step in as I can. 

One good friend says, “If you’re lucky enough to live a long time, you have to make some adjustments.” So yes, if this appeals to you, if you’re able, make adjustments and go outside and play. Judge your abilities realistically, choose your activities carefully, take precautions, and don’t go alone unless you have the skills. 

Lastly, ask for help when you need it. My glaucoma experience continues to teach me that it’s okay to ask, “Can you give me a hand here?” and people – friends or strangers – are very obliging. 

As for my facilitators, these folks are also my friends. Letting them help me has deepened those friendships. Fortunately for me, they like to play outside too. 

Expert Tips for Walking or Hiking When Blind 

  1. Consult an Orientation and Mobility Specialist: Learn safe walking techniques using a white cane, human guide, or guide dog. 
  1. Walking Tips
    • Routine: Follow a consistent route to familiarize yourself with obstacles. 
    • Locations: Use field tracks or indoor malls; join mall walking groups if you aren’t ready to venture outdoors. 
    • Parks: Check for special walking paths and lanes for bikes or runners. 
    • Companions: Walk with friends or family to spot safety issues. 
    • Essentials: Carry water, your cell phone, sunscreen, a hat, sunglasses, and an accessible GPS. 
  1. Join a Walking Club: Walking with others boosts motivation and health benefits. 
  1. Longer Hikes: Travel with someone for safety. 
  1. Sensory Walks: Enjoy the environment through your senses. 

Websites for Additional Walking and Hiking Information 

AVA – America’s Walking Club: Walking clubs and walking events 

The Ramblers: Britain’s walking charity: Information about walking clubs in the United Kingdom and general information about walking.