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People who are blind or low vision compete and participate in every possible sport. Sometimes the rules are modified; sometimes adaptive techniques are used; and other times adaptive equipment may be required. Learn more about your options.

Person releasing bowling ball

Bowling if You are Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Bowling when blind or low vision is not only possible but is also highly competitive. Ask anyone in the American Blind Bowlers Association about tournaments, training, and rules! Blind and low-vision athletes can compete in bowling through one of two adaptive methods: sighted guidance or a guide rail. […]

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A group of runners in a race

Running if Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)If you’re a runner or would like to be, and you’re blind or low vision, you’ll probably want to run with a guide. This is done in two common ways, depending on your vision, the area you’re running in, and what you’re comfortable with. Guiding Technique Verbal Direction […]

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Several people hiking a trail

Biking, Hiking, and Kayaking Safely When Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)I always love playing outside. It makes me happy, and I agree with experts who say it’s good for my physical and mental health. However, getting out to play has become more complicated because my vision has faded badly due to glaucoma. I still have some vision in […]

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Mature couple riding through grass on a tandem bicycle

Tandem Bicycling for People Who are Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)According to many enthusiastic participants, tandem cycling can be highly social, immense fun, good exercise—and very fast! In addition to providing a great workout, the teamwork required by tandem cycling can strengthen friendship bonds and rapport between riders.   Scott Anderson, an avid legally blind skier and tandem […]

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Two people on the back of a sailboat

Sailing and Boating

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)A wide variety of water sports involve boats. Some sailing and boating techniques may be easier than others for a person who is blind or has low vision, but all are attainable. Tips for Boating and Water Safety Here are some suggestions for boating safety and adaptations for […]

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Two people in brightly colored ski gear in a snowy background

Skiing for People Who Are Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Many people who are blind or have low vision continue to enjoy the sport of skiing: There are two primary ways to orient and guide skiers who are blind or have low vision: The distance between the skier and the guide must be minimal in both cases. It […]

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Grandparent and grandchild eat popsicles in the pool


This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Swimming can be an excellent sport for individuals who are blind or low vision. It has been practiced for many years by individuals of all ages for competition, fitness, and fun. Swimming for exercise can be achieved through swim exercises, water aerobics, and lap swimming. Lap Swimming and […]

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