Home and Vehicle Repairs if You are Blind or Low Vision

Learn about making critical home repairs if you are blind or low vision, such as fixing a toilet or changing lightbulbs and batteries. This section also includes information for minor car repairs.

tool box

Blind or Low Vision: Your Toolbox and Safety Checklist

Except for projects that call for precise measurements, most everyday household repair jobs won’t require any special tools adapted for persons who are blind or low vision. You can find almost everything you need at your local hardware store or home center. To prepare for home repairs, consider the following tools to keep on hand and […]

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close-up of circuit breaker

Replacing Fuses and Resetting Circuit Breakers if Blind or Low Vision

A sudden loss of electrical power is one of those experiences that every homeowner, whether blind, low vision, or sighted is familiar with or soon will be. The summer months are especially vulnerable, with air conditioners going full blast for hours at a stretch, pushing electrical circuits to their limits. Even if you replaced burnt […]

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water runs into sink drain

Unclogging Drains if Blind or Low Vision

Sometimes, sink, shower, tub, and toilets will become stopped and drain slowly or, worse yet, not at all. As a person who is blind or low vision, you will likely notice a messy overflow. An accumulation of food particles, grease, soap, and hair may cause blockage in sink, shower, and tub drains. In toilets, it […]

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Person holds rubber washer, a quarter-size circle

Replacing a Washer if you are Blind or Low Vision

Are the drips and chatter in your home driving you crazy? We’re speaking here about sink, shower, tub, and sill faucets that drip or chatter when turned on—not annoying neighbors or in-laws! Eventually, faucets with rubber or plastic washers that stop water flow when the tap is closed will start to drip and, in some […]

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ceiling fan

Installing a Ceiling Fan if Blind or Low Vision

Are you blind or low vision/ visually impaired and considering installing a ceiling fan? Know that you don’t need sight in order to install a fan. A ceiling fan can add an interesting decorative touch to a room and make the room have a much more comfortable and even temperature. Ceiling fans well placed can […]

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well-lit, clean bathroom

Fixing Toilets if you are Blind or Low Vision

People who are blind or visually impaired can certainly undertake home repair projects. One such home repair is fixing the toilet. Over time, toilets may leak small amounts of water from the tank into the toilet bowl, causing more water to be added. This uses water needlessly and can be startling if it occurs during […]

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vintage lightbulb

Changing Light Bulbs and Batteries if Blind or Low Vision

Adequate lighting can improve usable vision for some people who are low vision. However, even if you are totally blind, you’ll likely want to know about types of lighting and how to change a light bulb. Additionally, you’ll want to know how to change batteries. The following article explains how to change bulbs and batteries […]

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Person holds two wrenches in front of a car

Making Car Repairs if Blind or Low Vision

You can certainly continue to perform most car maintenance tasks independently when blind or low vision. Most mechanics find it difficult to see many of the parts in a crowded engine space and rely on the senses of touch and sound to reach the oil filter or diagnose an engine problem. For more information about […]

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