Eating in Restaurants if You are Blind or Low Vision

Eating out is a significant part of our social life. It can be comfortable, fun, and entertaining. Here’s how:

  • When you first enter a restaurant, ask your companion or a restaurant staff person to describe the restaurant layout so that you can decide where you would like to sit. Knowing about tables and booths, windows (to avoid glare), steps, entertainment, restrooms, etc, is helpful.
  • When walking to your table, ask your guide to place your hand on the back of the chair where you will sit.
  • If glare is a problem, it’s okay to ask to be seated where the glare will not bother you or to have window blinds adjusted.
  • When you get to the table, you may want to ask for a description of what’s on the table—such as candles or flower arrangements.
    A man using a handheld magnifying device to assist with reading a menu You can use a simple handheld magnifier to read the menu in restaurants.
  • If you cannot read the menu, ask someone at your table to help. If you are eating alone, ask the waiter to help you with the menu. Tell your companion or waiter what kind of food you want to reduce reading time.
  • The first time you go out after experiencing vision changes, you may want to choose a food that you feel comfortable eating.
  • Try to notice when your beverage and food are served. You might want to ask if everyone at your table has received their meal before you begin eating.
  • Also, asking someone at your table to tell you how the food is arranged on your plate is okay.
  • A signature guide can help you easily sign credit card slips and checks.
    . A man signing credit card slip with signature guide
  • When it’s time to pay, ask someone if the bill has arrived and how much it is. If paying with a credit card or check, you can ask for help writing in the tip and signing the receipt. You might want to keep a signature guide with you for this occasion.