Cooking and Eating

Discover safe cooking techniques, how to use a flat-top stove, hints for eating and pouring, tips for eating in restaurants, and considerations for setting a table when blind or low vision.

Close-up of person pouring water in a clear glass

Hints for Easier Eating and Pouring if Blind or Low Vision

Use the Clock Reference System Using the clock reference system is one way to tell what food is on your plate. Think of your plate as a clock face with 12:00 at the top (the edge farthest away) and 6:00 at the bottom (the closest edge). This reference system can also help you form a […]

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Two people ordering in a restaurant

Eating in Restaurants if You are Blind or Low Vision

Eating out is a significant part of our social life. It can be comfortable, fun, and entertaining. Here’s how:

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Two adults cooking in the kitchen

Safe Cooking Techniques if Blind or Low Vision

Here are some safe cooking tips: Cutting and Chopping Measuring Measuring spoons Pouring Cold Liquids Again, use color contrasts: dark pitchers and servers for milk and other light-colored liquids, a white pitcher for dark liquids, such as iced tea. When pouring into a glass: Electronic Devices for Pouring You may prefer to use an electronic […]

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Fancy table setting

Setting the Table if You are Blind or Low Vision

Eating is often viewed as an uncomfortable activity when you first begin to experience vision changes. A dinner table is a crowded place filled with silverware, plates, drinking glasses, serving dishes, and beverage-filled pitchers. But, with a few tips and practice, eating can be pleasurable again. Here are some suggestions for keeping your place at […]

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Large pot on a flat-top stove

Using a Flat-Top Stove if Blind or Low Vision

A flat-top stove is one of the most widely used items in kitchens today. Flat-top stoves do not have to be a nightmare for people who are blind or low vision. While they present some unique challenges, they can be more beneficial than a coil-top stove because they are easy to clean, and level surfaces […]

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