Daily Living Skills

Explore essential daily living skills with comprehensive guides designed to empower individuals who are blind and visually impaired to live independently and confidently. Our resources cover a wide range of practical topics from basic home maintenance, such as cleaning and cooking, to crucial life management skills including money handling and medication management. Dive into specialized content like effective communication using assistive devices, tips for clothing care and maintenance, innovative reading and writing techniques tailored for visual impairment, and strategies to make shopping a smoother experience. Whether you’re learning new skills or refining existing ones, our articles provide valuable insights and techniques to enhance your daily life.

A bucket with cleaning items


Discover routines and techniques for cleaning when blind or low vision.

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Person takes a gray sweater out of a closet

Caring for Clothes if Blind or Low Vision

Discover tips for organizing and labeling clothing, cleaning laundry, and using laundromats when blind or low vision.

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Person holds flip phone

Communication Devices if You are Blind and Low Vision

Landline phones, cell phones, smartphones, and tablets are accessible for people who are blind or low vision. Learn about their accessible features and techniques for using them from a blindness/low vision perspective.

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Person whisking in a bowl placed on a non-slip mat

Cooking and Eating

Discover safe cooking techniques, how to use a flat-top stove, hints for eating and pouring, tips for eating in restaurants, and considerations for setting a table when blind or low vision.

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Person scans perscription medication

Medication Management

Find information to share with your pharmacist about making medication management more accessible for people who are blind or low vision. Discover products and methods for organizing and labeling your medication so you can administer it independently and safely.

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US dollars and credit cards

Money Management

Discover tips for identifying money, keeping financial records, paying bills, preparing taxes, and using banking services and credit cards when blind or low vision.

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Person holds white cane and reads braille

Reading and Writing Techniques

Find techniques for signing your name and handwriting; learn about large print, braille, lighting, and assistive technology products; and find sources for reading material for individuals who are blind or low vision.

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Person purchases items at a clothing store


Learn hints, tips, and techniques that can help make shopping more relaxed and enjoyable.

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