Preschool to Elementary

Transitioning from preschool to kindergarten is a big step. Learning how to prepare your child for these changes and what you can do with your educational team will support a seamless move to the next step in their education journey.

A girl sitting outside picking strawberries in the sun.

Five Tips for Increasing Independence

The difference between a three-year-old’s (preschooler) level of independence and an eleven-year-olds (fifth grader) level of independence is significant. The change doesn’t happen overnight! It does happen through a series of gradual shifts and changes in behavior. Some of these changes are a natural part of growing up and internal maturity. Some happen through direct […]

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Two young boys playing with red magnets on a white board

Preparing Your Child Who is Blind or Low Vision for Kindergarten

Such a whirlwind of bittersweet emotions—kindergarten is approaching! It’s hard to believe how quickly the years have passed, right? Your little one went from complete dependence on you to making strides toward independence. Thankfully your child’s absolute preciousness hasn’t changed, but their level of autonomy has. So, let’s take a look at how you can […]

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A young boy holding a pen looking at an assignment on a slant board.

Navigating the Transition from Preschool to Kindergarten

As parents, one of the most crucial milestones we encounter is preparing our children to transition from preschool to kindergarten. For families with children who are blind or low vision, this transition may come with additional needs and planning. Working with your educational team will help make the transition process smooth and less worrisome for […]

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