Reflecting on a Year of Growth: APH ConnectCenter in 2023

APH ConnectCenter team members from left to right: Amber Bland, Tony Susnick, Lori Scharff, Alan Lovell, Katie Frederick, Pris Rogers, Richard Rueda, Olaya Landa-Vialard, Lee Huffman, and Melisa Matthews

It’s time to reflect on the incredible progress made by APH ConnectCenter in 2023. This year has been marked by a milestone anniversary, a new streamlined and cohesive website, the introduction of our newsletter—the APH ConnectCenter Quarterly, and a steadfast commitment to providing information on empowering independence for individuals who are blind or low vision.  […]

Peer Highlights: APH VisionAware Advisors’ Inspiring Achievements in 2023 

collage of peers: Elizabeth Sammons on the left, Deanna DeAnna Quietwater Noriega to her right, Lynda Lambert far right, Liz Bottner in the center under Deanna, Max Ivy on bottom right

For ten-plus years, volunteer APH VisionAware Peer Advisors have contributed and shaped nearly all of the content on the site today. As a content manager, I am grateful for the expertise, talent, and time the advisors share –assuring VisionAware is a one-stop resource for individuals, family and friends, and professionals in the field of blindness […]

Stretching and Flexibility for Blind and Low Vision

Group of people stretching outdoors

As we age our bodies become less flexible. Flexibility is often taken for granted, much like good balance, until it gets a little harder to reach an upper shelf, pick up the newspaper, or put on socks. (Sorry, it’s not your arms getting shorter!) Flexibility is the ability to move a joint (shoulder, elbow, knee, […]

Creating an Inclusive Workplace for People Who Are Blind or Low Vision

Two coworkers smile and converse at a standing desk.

Much can be said about happiness and maximized productivity in the workplace. Working with coworkers on projects and deadlines does not have to be daunting or cumbersome. The following tips can assist employees in managing their on-the-job productivity and lending their talents. Likewise, employers can best engage their employees and teams to feel empowered by […]