Employer Resources Info

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There are many publicly and privately funded resources available to assist employers concerning blind and low vision applicants and employees. 

National and Web Resources 

Resources that are very helpful for employers are listed below. In addition, scores of private and government-funded agencies, companies, and organizations can offer support once a specific need is defined. For assistance locating such support, contact APH’s toll-free information line at (800) 232-5463. 

Job Accommodation Network (JAN) 

JAN is a consulting service/network providing information about job accommodations funded by the Department of Labor, Office of Disability Employment Policy. 

Office of Disability Employment Policy (ODEP), U.S. Dept of Labor 

ODEP provides national leadership to increase employment opportunities for adults and youth with disabilities while striving to eliminate barriers to employment. A broad range of resources of interest to employers are provided at ODEP. 

Regional Resources 

Regional Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers 

Regional Disability and Business Technical Assistance Centers provide information, problem-solving assistance, and referrals for implementing the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Accessible Electronic and Information Technology (E&IT). Centers are located throughout the country. Call (800) 949-4232 or visit the National Network of ADA Centers to locate the nearest center. 

Rehabilitation Agencies 

Each state provides vocational rehabilitation services for people who are blind or low vision, or have other disabilities. Rehabilitation services can help an employee who becomes disabled remain productive or support a new employee through on-the-job training, technical assistance, or specialized equipment. Rehabilitation agencies can also refer qualified applicants with disabilities to prospective employers. Use APH’s Directory of Services to locate Rehabilitation Services near you. 

Private Organizations 

In addition to state rehabilitation agencies, more than 1000 private organizations nationwide provide disability-specific employment-related services. Assistance locating such agencies can often be found in local telephone directories, or contact APH’s toll-free information line at (800) 232-5463 or online at [email protected]

Employer Partners 

Employers and other organizations are beginning to promote the use of the information in this website within their own companies. APH would like to thank the following organizations for linking to APH CareerConnect from their own intranet or extranet sites: 

If you want to add your company to this growing list, please email us at [email protected]

Tax Incentives for Business 

Three federal tax incentives are available that may help employers cover the cost of accommodations for employees with disabilities and make places of business accessible for employees and customers with disabilities. Your state vocational rehabilitation agency personnel may be able to help you explore these tax incentives. 

The following three tax incentives are available: 

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit provides a tax credit for employers who hire certain targeted low-income groups, including vocational rehabilitation referrals and summer youth employees with disabilities. Applicants who are vocational rehabilitation referrals are eligible if certified by the State Employment Security Agency. The employer may take a tax credit of up to 35% of the first $6,000, or up to $2,400 in wages paid during the first 12 months for each new hire. Eligible employees must work 180 days or 400 hours; summer youth must work 20 days or 120 hours. 

The Small Business Tax Credit, IRS Code 44, Disabled Access Credit, allows small businesses to take an annual tax credit for making their businesses accessible to people with disabilities. Only small businesses that in the previous year earned a maximum of $1 million in revenue or had fewer than 30 employees are eligible. The credit is available every year and can be used for a variety of costs, including: 

  • readers for employees who are blind or low vision, 
  • the purchase of adaptive equipment or the modification of equipment, 
  • the production of print materials in alternate formats (e.g., brailled, audiotaped, or enlarged print). 

The Architectural/Transportation Tax Deduction, IRS Code, Section 190, Barrier Removal, is often viewed as being specific to making businesses wheelchair-accessible. However, the credit can help businesses to remove physical barriers for people who are blind, for example, by adding braille and large print signage. 

It is important to remember that all businesses may not qualify for all three tax incentives and that specific information should be requested from your accountant or the Internal Revenue Service before trying to benefit.

Additional Resources 

Additional helpful resources include: