Tips for Taking Glaucoma (and Other) Eye Drops

Person putting eye drops in their eye

Problems with Putting in Your Eye Drops? One of the reasons people cite for not following through with their prescribed treatment regimen for glaucoma is that it is difficult to put in their eye drops, or the drops themselves are irritating. One tip is to keep your eye drops refrigerated. By doing so, the drops […]

Enjoying Television

Multi-generational family gathers for a television show

One of the most common challenges people report after experiencing blindness/ low vision is watching television. They often report an inability to see the actors’ faces, printed text on the screen, or the television menus and accompanying channel guide. Television viewing has changed dramatically in recent years, and the number of ways to approach these […]

What Is Low Vision?

As we age, our eyes change too. Many of these vision changes can be corrected by glasses or contact lenses. However, if your eye doctor tells you that your vision cannot be fully corrected with ordinary prescription lenses, medical treatment, or surgery, and you still have some usable vision, you have what is called “low […]

Learn to Use Your Remaining Senses

stacked blocks with text: Touch, Sight, Hearing, Smell, Taste

Losing Your Vision Doesn’t Have to Mean Losing Your Confidence Throughout your life, your vision has likely been your primary sense. Some researchers estimate that the sense of sight provides approximately 80% of all the information we receive about the world. You’ve probably been using your vision unconsciously, for the most part, to double-check the […]

Using a Flat-Top Stove if Blind or Low Vision

Large pot on a flat-top stove

A flat-top stove is one of the most widely used items in kitchens today. Flat-top stoves do not have to be a nightmare for people who are blind or low vision. While they present some unique challenges, they can be more beneficial than a coil-top stove because they are easy to clean, and level surfaces […]