Hobbies and Activities for Your Child Who is Visually Impaired

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)

Your child is growing, and you may observe a shift from play to activities they really enjoy that may become hobbies. We encourage you to discover and try many activities to further the development of their passions as well as trying new things that may become a new hobby or interest.

If you are unsure of where to start or looking to try a new hobby with your child who is blind or has low vision, discover a variety of ideas here. Read about the importance of engaging in various recreational activities and how it supports your child and you may find a fun new activity for your family to enjoy together. It highlights how hobbies can foster social interactions, emotional growth, and the development of specific interests. The page offers ideas for creative and tactile arts to ensure that children who are visually impaired can fully participate and enjoy their creative explorations.

A child playing with various finger puppets.

Explore New Interests

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Enjoying and engaging in hobbies and recreational activities is critical to our emotional and social development. Hobbies are a wonderful way to experience different social circles and develop a passion alongside others. Elementary years are a time to explore many different hobbies and passions. Fortunately, many hobbies and […]

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A child holding up one of her creative art activities of a tactile turkey hand print craft.

Getting Creative at Home with Tactile Art

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Art is a universal language of expression and a way to open a world of creativity. Providing creative opportunities for your child to include tactile elements is a way to make creativity accessible. Discover ways to make art experiences tactile and inclusive in your home. Creating art is more than […]

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