Overview of the Service System for Children Who Are Blind or Have Low Vision

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Services for children who are blind or have low vision encompass a wide range of support provided by various agencies and organizations at the community, state, and national levels. It’s important to recognize that these services can vary significantly from one state to another, especially concerning support for infants and toddlers. 

Early Intervention Services 

At the heart of early support is the Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities (Part C of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act – IDEA). This federal grant program assists states in delivering specialized education services to children under three years old. State early intervention agencies, typically part of departments of education, health, human services, or rehabilitation, play a crucial role by: 

  • Assessing the child’s needs 
  • Providing developmental enrichment 
  • Coordinating health and social services 
  • Creating an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) 

These services are primarily home-based and delivered by itinerant professionals, though some are available in specialized centers. Early intervention also includes support from Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments and orientation and mobility specialists, aiming to equip parents or caregivers with the information needed to support their children’s development. Families work with their team to create an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP). 

Educational Services 

As children grow, Part B of IDEA ensures their right to a free, appropriate public education until their 22nd birthday, regardless of disability. Eligibility under the visual impairment category, including blindness, often requires a specific level of visual acuity or field loss as diagnosed by a qualified professional. Educational services should be provided in the least restrictive environment and involve family participation in planning and implementation. 

Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 also mandates classroom accommodations, such as materials in accessible formats. Most children with visual impairments attend local public schools, receiving specialized instruction from Teachers of the Visually Impaired (TVIs) and orientation and mobility specialists. This instruction is part of the expanded core curriculum, which includes skills unique to blindness or low vision, such as braille literacy and orientation and mobility techniques. 

Educational settings may vary: 

  • Itinerant Teacher: Provides support across different classrooms, buildings and will travel to your child. 
  • Resource Room: A dedicated space within a building designed for specialized instruction. 
  • Schools for the Blind: Focus on academic programs or functional lifelong learning for those with multiple disabilities. 

The law also requires the development of an Individualized Education Program (IEP) for each student, involving a team of educators, specialists, family members, and sometimes the student. The IEP team assesses the student’s abilities and needs, sets educational goals, and specifies necessary services and aids, accommodations, and modifications to support access to the child’s education. 

Transition Services 

IDEA requires transition services to begin no later than age 14, preparing students for life after high school. The IEP will include goals and activities for this transition, covering: 

Connections to post-school services, such as vocational rehabilitation, are also essential. For more resources, visit the APH ConnectCenter For Job Seekers and Employers website. 

Low Vision Services 

Low vision services aim to help individuals of all ages maximize their remaining vision, with or without special optical devices. These services include: 

  • Comprehensive low vision evaluations 
  • Prescription of assistive devices 
  • Training in adaptive techniques 

Available settings include hospitals, private clinics, universities, and specialized agencies. Referrals can be obtained from national blindness organizations, state rehabilitation services, ophthalmological and optometric associations, and universities training professionals in visual impairment. 

Recreation Services 

Social and recreational opportunities are vital for children with visual impairments and their families. These services offer peer and mentor support through: 

  • Summer programs 
  • Camps 
  • Community and national events 

To find upcoming activities, check community or national event calendars. 

Services for Families 

Supporting the entire family is crucial. Programs are available for siblings, grandparents, and other family members, providing: 

  • Counseling and support groups 
  • Social work services 
  • Information about adapted communication techniques and developmental stimulation 

Parent-focused groups, such as those run by the American Council of the Blind (ACB) and the National Federation of the Blind (NFB), offer valuable resources. Each state also has parent training and information centers with parent-to-parent groups that provide information and support for parents, helping them understand their rights and collaborate with service providers to obtain necessary support. 

Find resources by category or state in the APH Directory of Services.