Introducing “Employment Connections.” First Topic: Disclosing a Disability

professional headshot of individual with light eyes wearing a suit

APH ConnectCenter is launching a new quarterly webinar, Employment Connections, focusing on employment-related topics. For our first edition, we discussed when job seekers should disclose their disability with Russell Shaffer, Executive Vice President of Strategy & Programs at Disability:IN. Russell Shaffer has a lot of experience with disclosing a disability when applying for a job. […]

Adjustment to Blindness/ Low Vision

Steaming cup of tea

Editor’s note: Marlon Parieaho, who resides in Trinidad and Tobago, reflects on his adjustment to blindness and an event that helped him realize he is capable. He also offers tips for people living or working with individuals who are blind or low vision. Marlon first published his reflection on social media; APH CareerConnect shares it […]

Albinism in the Media

Person with albinism (fair skin, blonde hair, and glasses) sits on a chair and holds a paper.

Popular media like TV shows, books, and movies rely heavily on stereotypes when creating characters. Not all stereotypes are harmful, like the “dumb blonde” stereotype. While this stereotype was very popular a few years back, I don’t think the lives of blondes were affected. There are enough intelligent blondes in the world that there isn’t […]