Lesson 5: Admissions Requirements for Students who are Blind and Low Vision

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Key Considerations

Meeting the entrance requirements is a key factor in deciding whether you will attend college or career school as a student who is blind or low vision.

While it is never too late to decide to further your education or training, researching entry requirements before your freshman year of high school will give you additional time to work toward meeting the entrance requirements for your preferred college or university. Consider one university’s admissions stats: Of the 27,122 students who applied for admission to Florida State University in 2016, only 3,887 students enrolled the following semester. The grade point average of the selected students ranged from 3.9 to 4.3. SAT scores ranged from 1270-1400, and ACT scores ranged from 26-31. College admissions officers are often selective, and many selected applicants exceed the minimum entrance requirements.

A community college generally has an open enrollment policy for high school or equivalent graduates. Although SAT or ACT scores are not required, if submitted, the scores are used for placement in academic courses because students are not automatically enrolled in college-level courses. If SAT or ACT scores are not submitted, most community colleges require a college placement test to determine if students are performing at college-level English, reading, and math courses. If the student is not performing at the college level, remedial coursework is required. The remedial classes do not count towards earning a degree and can lengthen the time it takes to earn a degree.

Career schools are generally easier to be accepted to than college. Most career schools require students, including those who are blind or low vision, to have a high school diploma or equivalent. Some might require your grade point average to be a 2.0 or higher and for you to exhibit certain literacy skills. Criteria placement tests are often mandatory to determine fundamental skills in reading, writing, and math.

Assignment #1

Research and record the entrance requirements for the following to determine if meeting the requirements will be attainable for you as a student who is blind or low vision.

  • A community college located near your home
  • An in-state college or university
  • An out-of-state college
  • A private college
  • A career school

Assignment #2

Read “Selecting, Applying to, and Getting into the College of Your Choice” (pages 1-8 and 25-31) in College Bound: A Guide for Students with Visual Impairments, 2nd Edition by Ellen Trief.