Office Worksite for Low-Vision Users

Welcome to our virtual office designed to show how to accommodate individuals who have some degree of useable vision. Although not every low-vision worker will need or want every accommodation pictured, we are trying to show you the range of tools available that might benefit such workers.

Virtual Office - Low Vision illustration

Technology That Might Be Used in an Office Worksite for Low-Vision Users

  • Bold-Line Paper and 20-20 Pen
  • External Speakers and Headphones
    Accessibility will usually involve listening to information using some sort of speech access product on a computer. External speakers and headphones are important tools to consider in any office. The headphones allow for private listening without bothering coworkers who share the work space. There are no specialized products for the visually impaired in this category and personal preference will dictate what is used.
  • Flexible Copy Holder
    The use of a flexible copy holder allows the employee to bring printed material to a closer working distance and saves the worker from having to bend over the desk top to see copy. The use of the flexible arm allows for the copy to be moved and adjusted for adequate lighting as well as viewing distance.
  • Gooseneck Desk Lamp
  • Large Display Wall Clock
  • Large Print Appointment Book
  • Large Print and Talking Calculators
  • Large Print Dictionary and Thesaurus
  • Large Print Wall Calendar
    Wall calendars may be purchased commercially that have only critical information in large print. Usually workers with vision loss prefer a simple black and white format without decorative designs or pictures in the background as these calendars can be more easily read.
  • Magnifiers
  • Screen Magnification
  • Telephone
  • Vertical File Holder
  • Video Magnifier

In Their Own Words…

Learn what successfully employed low vision users of assistive technology have to say about the devices they use on the job.

“I use JAWS for Windows to access the computer, write reports, and read email. I can use a portable or table top CCTV for short periods of time to read printed material. Occasionally, I use the braille embosser to translate documents for clients or community contacts that read braille. I wear thick glasses and a pair of visual image glasses when reading small print close-up. At home, I use MAGIC magnification software with speech to manage my personal word processing tasks and update my website. I recently purchased the Amigo portable CCTV, and I love it. I can read my own mail without the frustration or inconvenience of waiting on someone else to do it. What privacy!”

Eva Crowder, Vision Rehabilitation Therapist, Tampa Lighthouse

“Because I have a visual disability, I often need to adjust my surroundings to better perform my job. When performing an invasive procedure, such as starting an IV, I am always sure to use intense lighting so that I have the best opportunity to see. I perform tasks such as charting, which is done by computer, and evaluating the tracing of fetal heart rates and uterine contractions, by wearing special reading glasses which are a higher magnification than normal. Since the computer font at work is small and cannot be enlarged, my co-workers understand that when an adjustment is made to the charting procedures, I may require additional time until I am familiar with the changes. I never hesitate to ask a co-worker for assistance or to double-check my work. These are simply practical safety measures I take as a responsible nurse.”

Leora Heifetz, Registered Nurse, Chicago