From Awareness to Action: Preventing Falls

Caution: Wet Floor sign

Editor’s Note: Falls Prevention Awareness Week is September 18-22 this year. The theme is “From Awareness to Action,” as reflected in the title of this post. Former peer advisor Mary Hiland, and current peer advisor, Empish Thomas reflect on avoidable accidents and tips for preventing falls. Preventing Falls and Accidents by Mary Hiland, former VisionAware […]

Ways to Respond to Social Interactions

Group of people who are blind and sighted standing together. Present is a guide dog and a person with a long white cane.

Elizabeth Sammons and other VisionAware peers have put together a comprehensive article on Social Interactions as Non-Visual Participants to call out the importance of Zero Discrimination Day. The article shares personal stories of handling uninformed comments made by strangers in stores, airports, restaurants, and other public venues. This blog summarizes some of the key points. […]