Low Vision Exam. What is it? Who Needs it?  What comes next?

"Young boy sitting at desk using magnifying reader to do schoolwork."

Low vision exams improve the quality of life for anyone with impaired vision. Students and youth with blindness or low vision often need classroom accommodations. These adjustments, like choice in seating, can be simple. But often, tools such as reading glasses or bifocal lenses are required to magnify printed materials. People of all ages with […]

Eye Care Professionals Who May Work with Your Child

Mother and little girl - optometrist Checks Child's Eye

Finding the right eye care professionals is crucial for your child’s vision health. Here are the key specialists you might work with:  How Can I Get a Free InfantSEE Assessment for My Baby?  Early detection of vision issues is essential for your child’s development. The InfantSEE® program provides comprehensive eye and vision assessments for infants […]

Creating Positive Experiences for Siblings  

Children walking together outdoors.

Siblings share a unique and special bond, experiencing many years of family life together and finding emotional support in each other.  Emotional and Social Development  Siblings often serve as a primary source of emotional support and development for each other. Interacting with siblings allows children to develop essential social-emotional skills, such as communication, negotiation, conflict […]

When People Stare at a Brother or Sister

Group of school children gossiping and laughing at insecure classmate.

When a sibling is blind or has low vision, they may attract public attention, leading to stares or questions that can make their brothers and sisters feel uncomfortable. This can result in feelings of embarrassment, anger, or shame. To help siblings cope with these situations, consider the following strategies: Understanding Public Reactions Help your children […]

When an Older Sibling Is Blind or Has Low Vision

Toddler boy and his newborn sister are lying on a bed. Black and white photo.

As parents, we know that each of our kids is special in their own way. They have different personalities, learn at their own pace, and handle responsibilities differently. This is especially important to remember when you have a child who is blind or has low vision, particularly if they’re older than their siblings. Children grow […]