Lesson 14: On the Job Assignments

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Activity: On the Job Assignments

Key Considerations

Your first days of work are the most important. Your boss and co-workers will be observing your performance and deciding if you are going to be a good employee or not. You will be establishing your reputation as a worker. There are some things you can do to ensure you make a good first impression as well as demonstrate you are worth the time your employer is investing to train and grow you as part of the team. The assignments in this activity are aligned with your work performance appraisal. If you take the time to complete the assignments you will improve your chances of receiving positive feedback from your supervisor on your appraisal or evaluation.


Complete each activity during your first week of work. E-mail the completed activities to your instructor for feedback and guidance.

Actions for Your First Week of Work

  1. Prepare a list of questions to ask your supervisor on your first day at work. Take notes of the responses. Some of the questions may include (but are not limited to the following):
    What do you want me to accomplish or learn this week?
    Who do I direct questions to about the job?
    What method of communication do you prefer?
    Do you have an open door policy or do you prefer scheduling a time to meet? This may be a good opportunity to ask your supervisor to complete a weekly evaluation of your performance (if your experience is an internship or practicum).
    What time would you like me to take my lunch break?
    Who should I report my absences to?
    Who should I go to for certain things such as office supplies, technical support, training, etc.?
    What paperwork procedures do I need to be aware of such as when are timesheets due?
    What are your safety and emergency procedures for events such as a tornado, fire, etc.?

  2. Be prepared to address any concerns your employer may have about your safety, how you will access printed and electronic information, if your method of transportation will cause you to be late to work, etc.

  3. Ask if someone can give you a tour of the office if you have not done this in advance. Keep in mind this is not an Orientation and Mobility (O&M) lesson. If you need to be oriented to your workplace by an O&M Specialist, you need to arrange time to do this outside of your normal work hours.

  4. As you are introduced to your co-workers, make every effort to remember their names by repeating the name back. For example, you might say, “It was nice to meet you too, Steve”. List the names and positions of three of your co-workers.

  5. Have something prepared to tell others about you so you will be perceived as personable when your co-workers engage in conversation with you. List three things you plan to share with your co-workers.

  6. Chats in the breakroom or over lunch are a good way to get to know your co-workers. Show genuine interest in your co-workers by asking questions such as “What do you like to do when you are not at work?” List one occasion when you did this and what you learned about your co-worker.

  7. Make efforts to add value to your workplace. For example, volunteer to clean out the refrigerator in the breakroom every Friday afternoon during your lunch break.

  8. Invite a co-worker to have lunch with you. Describe the outcome.