FAQ for APH Webinars Old
APH webinars are a one-stop resource for meaningful education and training on APH products and services. From tutorials on new products and hacks on how to get the most from technology to information on resources, services, and programs, our goal is to offer information that applies to home, classroom, and workplace settings.
To better help us serve the community, please read the frequently asked webinar-related questions below prior to contacting an APH staff member.
How do I sign up to receive information on upcoming webinars?
Every Tuesday APH releases an email featuring all Access Academy, ExCEL Academy, Partner Showcase, and ConnectCenter webinar events taking place within the next two weeks. To subscribe to this email distribution list please send your contact information to [email protected].
I registered for a webinar and can no longer attend. Do I need to let someone know?
No, APH staff does not need to be contacted. Hundreds of teachers, administrators, and consumers attend the live webinars. If you are unable to attend, simply do nothing or cancel the registration by opening the registration confirmation email and clicking “cancel.”
I would like to view this webinar but am unavailable during the live release. Does APH record webinars and post the recordings?
APH records most webinars and posts the videos to APH’s YouTube page within two weeks of release. To check out the recording playlist please visit: https://www.youtube.com/user/aphftb. Participants may also subscribe to the APH YouTube channel and may choose to receive the latest updates of uploaded content. Please note that ACVREP credit is only offered for attending the live webinar.
Where do I submit the opening and closing codes to get ACVREP credit?
To collect ACRVEP credit, please listen for the opening and closing codes during the live session and submit these to the NEW webinar certificate portal found at https://aphhive.org/#/webinar within 30 days of the scheduled event. Following submission, a certificate is immediately available and stored.
Please note that ACVREP credit is not offered for Partner Showcase webinars.
I attended the webinar but did not catch the opening or closing codes. Can you give me the codes after the webinar?
No, APH is unable to provide the ACVREP codes after the webinar ends. Please make sure to listen closely or review the chat window for the codes during the session.
My professional license requires a different type of certification other than ACVREP. How do I get CEUs?
Continuing Education Units (CEUs) for the renewal of a state’s educator certificate are awarded following individual state guidelines. Webinar participants should verify that a local school district/organization is willing to accept the certificate for participating in the webinar presentation.
I want access to webinar resources. Where can I locate materials before and after webinar events?
Accessible documents are available for Access Academy, Partner Showcase, and ConnectCenter webinars. Materials are loaded to the following sites prior to the start of the webinar:
If you experience difficulty accessing a document, please ensure that you are using the most current version of a modern browser, such as Chrome, Edge, or Safari. If you are using one of these browsers and still have trouble accessing a document, please refresh the page and try again. If this step does not solve your problem, please email [email protected].