Arts and Culture

Learn how to continue enjoying the theater, art, music, singing in a choir or chorus, and activities such as international travel when you are blind or low vision.

Theater with empty seats

Enjoying Theater and Film

Audio Described Theater Performances A number of theaters offer Audio Described Performances, during which patrons can obtain stereo headsets to hear verbal descriptions of stage activities. These are often available for operas, plays, concerts, and political events. Call ahead to see if this is service is available at your theater and performance. Due to the […]

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Cruise ship

International Travel

According to Rick Steves, there are three kinds of people on the move, tourists, travelers, and pilgrims. Steves is a globetrotter who’s made the international world come alive to millions of Americans through his numerous TV travel shows, radio interviews, and books. I will use his distinctions to organize my article because while many assume a trip means a quick tour, cool cuisine, and a few postcards, journeying can […]

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Person at art gallery using a phone to zoom in on a picture

Museums and Art Tours

Many museums offer audio tours using handheld devices, which not only describe items in the exhibit but may also include background information about the artist, history, and other insights. Visitors to the exhibit are issued a headset and player to hear the information while moving about the gallery. Check to see if reservations for this […]

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Close-up of hands holding sheet music

Music and Chorus

For many years, it was a popular misconception that individuals who are blind or low vision possessed special musical talent. As with all of the arts, however, it is talent and practice, rather than vision (or lack of vision) that are the key factors contributing to musical success. Use a Large Print Score or Large […]

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