Tips and Resources

Download our Getting Started Guide, find a checklist for choosing a living community, and locate resources and tips for supporting a family member or friend.

long white cane

Getting Started 2020: A Guide for People New to Vision Loss

Welcome to Getting Started: A Guide for People New to Vision Loss. If you have been recently diagnosed with an eye condition, you are about to begin a journey for which you may not be prepared and may have many questions. The information provided here can help you navigate your journey. It will not answer […]

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Nurse talking with a group of older people

Checklist for Choosing a Senior Living Community

Choosing a senior living community includes several important considerations for individuals who are blind or low vision. Furthermore, older people are at higher risk for age-related vision problems, and it makes sense to keep these suggestions in mind when making a decision. The checklist is also useful for senior living staff or planners. Environmental barriers […]

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Older person sits in a wheelchair with a loved one behind them

Tips for Supporting Individuals with Blindness/ Low Vision and Dementia

In the case of someone with Alzheimer’s Disease, independence can be thought of as the ability to perform and engage in activities that foster quality of life for as long as possible. You as a family member play a vital role in this goal, but you need to be able to recognize limitations and declining […]

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Older couple sitting on a couch holding a remote control

Resource List for Supporting Individuals Who Are Blind/ Low Vision

  by Audrey Demmitt, R.N., VisionAware Peer Support Group Advisor VisionAware Families and Friends— provides useful help for family members. VisionAware also has a directory of services and information on living with vision loss. Caregiver Action Network (CAN)— provides support group forums, videos, tip sheets, and resources on all aspects of caregiving. The ADA National […]

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