Lesson 3: Expected Expenses

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Fingers pointing to a calculator and paper

Name(s) of student(s):

Age and grade level:

Goal from IEP connected to lesson:

Objective from IEP connected to lesson:

Purpose of lesson: To learn expenses to expect when living on his or her own.

Materials needed:


“Before we discover the value and workings of a budget, I hope to help make you aware of the typical expenses of living on your own. I want you to be prepared for the costs, fees, and everyday expenditures that you would be wise to anticipate.”

Exercise: Discovering Expenses

Have the student search the Internet to discover the expenses he will incur when he lives alone. Consider providing the student with one category of expenses to explore at a time.  

Example categories:

  • Bills (rent or mortgage, gas, electric, water, Internet, phone)
  • Entertainment (restaurants, movies, recreational activities, cable)
  • Food
  • Clothing
  • Transportation costs (bus travel, paratransit, taxi, gas money)
  • Insurance (health, renter’s or homeowners, and car insurance if the car is owned)
  • Household goods (furniture, kitchen items, towels, bedding, iron, etc.)
  • Debt repayment if student loans are taken

Exercise: Cost of Local Expenses

Introduce the student to “himself in the future.” He has an entry-level career in his area of interest. He must identify the approximate cost of each previously listed expense in his current local community.
If possible, visit a superstore that carries household goods to discover prices.


“Today, you discovered the expenses you will incur when you live alone. You also researched their approximate costs in our local area.”

Progress notes, data collection, comments, and modifications: