An Authentic Wedding Day 

bride with fair skin and hair smiles and holds a bouquet

Editor’s note: Addie Tighe provides a guest blog about her wedding day, sharing her challenge and eventual embrace of her eye condition, albinism. My wedding day was everything I dreamed it would be. It was a day full of friends, family, food, and fun. My husband and I could not have imagined a better day; […]

Albinism in the Media

Person with albinism (fair skin, blonde hair, and glasses) sits on a chair and holds a paper.

Popular media like TV shows, books, and movies rely heavily on stereotypes when creating characters. Not all stereotypes are harmful, like the “dumb blonde” stereotype. While this stereotype was very popular a few years back, I don’t think the lives of blondes were affected. There are enough intelligent blondes in the world that there isn’t […]