What is Retinitis Pigmentosa?

Simulated vision: tunnel vision depicting children's faces surrounded by a dark background

Retinitis pigmentosa (RP) is the most common of a large group of progressive retinal degenerations or dystrophies [i.e., degenerative disorders]. There is considerable overlap among the various types. It usually refers to a group of hereditary conditions involving one or several retina layers, causing progressive degeneration. What Causes Retinitis Pigmentosa? Retinitis pigmentosa is an inherited […]

Transcript and Description of American Academy of Ophthalmology Low Vision Video

phoropter eyesight measurement testing machine

Description: Video opens with a screen that says: “Low Vision–Vision Loss that cannot be corrected and interferes with activities. VA less than 20/40, scotoma, field loss, or contrast sensitivity loss.” Screen shot of David W. Parke, MD., CEO, American Academy of Ophthalmology speaking as follows: David W. Parke, MD: “One of the things that we […]

Protecting Your Body from Hazards Around the Home

Person holding their hand with curled figers along a wall and proceeding forward

Upper Body Protective Technique If you learn to use the following Upper Body Protective Technique correctly, your forearm will act as a “bumper” to protect your head and the upper part of your body from hanging plants, open cupboard doors, and room doors that are partially ajar. You can also use this technique when bending […]

Albinism and Low Vision

retina with spots

What Is Albinism? Albinism represents a group of conditions characterized by a defect in the production of the pigment melanin, normally found in skin, eyes, and hair. Any one of many genes responsible for melanin production can lead to albinism. There are two major types of albinism: Oculocutaneous Albinism Ocular Albinism How Does Albinism Affect […]