Transition Hub Resources

State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agencies  It is never too early to start preparing for your life after you finish school, and establishing a relationship with your State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) Agency is a great step you can take while still in high school.  According to the Rehabilitation Services Administration (RSA) website, “RSA provides formula grants to state agencies to administer […]

Emotional Adjustment to Declining Vision: It’s A Family Matter

Couple walking arm in arm

Declining vision, and even the diagnosis of an eye condition, is an emotional experience for anyone experiencing it. Age, experience, and a person’s personality and self-esteem all play key roles in their ability to respond to life’s challenges. This includes adapting to the onset of a disability. However, it can often be just as difficult for the loved ones around them. Vision changes often create feelings of immense loss or […]

Learning That Your Child Is Blind or Low Vision

Father embracing daughter.

There is no right or wrong way to cope with the news that your child is blind or low vision. You need to know that your emotions are natural for whatever you’re feeling—anger, sorrow, guilt, confusion, anxiety, or fear. There are some strategies that can help you balance your life and your concern for your […]

Low Vision Devices: An Overview

A boy sitting at a table reading braille from his Perkins Braille Writer.

Children with low vision may benefit from the use of low vision devices to help them see more clearly. These devices include a range of items that are optical and nonoptical. Optical Devices or Aids The two most common low vision devices are magnifiers for seeing objects close at hand and telescopes for seeing objects […]

Adapting Your Home for a Child Who Is Blind or Has Low Vision

Colorful toys on white carpet in a children’s room. 

Keep small objects away from infants who are blind or have low vision. Secure all cords. Stay close to them during daily chores. This makes them feel safe. Assessing Your Home for a Child with Low Vision In addition to thinking about safety (See “Baby Proofing Your Home When Your Child Is Blind or Low […]