Role of the TVI with Preschoolers Who Are Blind or Low Vision

Preschool shelf with stackable puzzle. 

Teachers of students with visual impairments often referred to as TVIs, are trained and certified to teach students with blindness or low vision, including those with additional disabilities. The TVI will teach special skills they need to learn to participate in the regular school program. This teacher will also work with the other educational team […]

Your Child’s Educational Team

A diverse group of teachers having a discussion in a conference room.

Understanding and Working with Your Child’s Teachers, Specialists, and Aides No one person has all the necessary specialized knowledge and skills to meet your child’s unique needs. For this reason, the ” team ” concept is fundamental when promoting your child’s growth, development, and learning. Throughout your child’s school years, you will be working with […]

The Central Role of the Teacher of Students with Visual Impairments

A teacher working with a student at his desk on his computer.

The teacher of students with visual impairments (TVI) is a central figure in your child’s team. The TVI is key on your child’s educational team for blindness or low vision. They understand how vision impacts learning and offer strategies and tools for learning and daily activities. Your child will work with the TVI regularly. The […]

Your Service Team for Your Child with Blindness or Low Vision

A teacher supporting a student learning

When children have blindness or low vision or other disability, providing them with special education services—such as instruction from a TVI—often is not sufficient. They may need additional support or services before they can truly benefit from the education they are receiving. Such additional services might include orientation and mobility (O&M) training so that the […]