Your Teenager’s Feelings About Being Blind or Low Vision

A teenager wearing glasses standing in the hallway with a group of students in the background.

Like you, your teenager is going to have a range of feelings about their eye condition. The teenage years in general are an emotional time for many young people as they move from adolescence to adulthood. Most want to fit in with their peers and being “different” because of a visual impairment can cause reactions […]

When Other Teens Are Learning to Drive and Your Child Isn’t

Cones for the examination, driving school concept with a silver car next to the cone

Getting a driver’s license is a rite of passage for most teenagers, and when an eye condition prevents someone from driving, the feeling of disappointment can be intense. If your teen is blind or low vision and can’t meet the legal requirements for driving in your state, they may be experiencing a number of upsetting […]

Accessing Academic Classes for Teenagers

Books and pencils on desk in classroom. 

Your child who is blind or low vision needs to develop increasing independence in all aspects of life. This includes independence in completing schoolwork. Having appropriate materials and tools needed to carry out assignments on their own is essential to becoming a self-sufficient individual as well as for academic success. Moving on to Middle and […]

If Your Teenager Has Recently Experienced Blindness or Low Vision

A student sitting at a desk working on a computer in the background.

Every day of parenting has its highs and lows. That’s no different when your child has a blindness or low vision. However, if your child has recently been diagnosed as blind or low vision, you, your child, and your other family members may find yourselves struggling with a multitude of new, conflicting feelings—among them anger, […]