What Is Personal Futures Planning?

Happy mother, father, little daughter and baby son playing with wooden toys at home.

Navigating the Journey from Birth to Graduation For children with special needs, the journey from infancy to adulthood is marked by several key planning stages. These stages are designed to ensure educational success and smooth transitions at different phases of life. From birth until the age of three, infants and toddlers are supported by an […]

Who Should Manage Your Child’s Special Needs Trust?

Kid hands holding coins in a jar together as saving concept for family or education.

by Steve Morris A good synonym for trustee would be agent or, better yet, super agent. Our law refers to super agents as “Fiduciary.” The trustee is responsible for managing the special needs trusts on behalf of the person with the disability. When a trustee is named, that trustee is given, both by the maker […]