Talking to Family and Friends About Your Child’s Blindness or Low Vision

Adult talking to friends outside.

When Bob and Marcia discovered their infant son, Karl, was blind, they initially found themselves at a loss for words with their family and friends. However, as Thanksgiving neared, they recognized the need to share the news about three-month-old Karl’s blindness with Bob’s extended family, with whom they traditionally spent the holiday. On Thanksgiving Day, […]

What Can Your Child See?

A little baby girl wearing eyeglasses playing with a toy.

If your child has low vision, you may be anxious to know what they can see. Can they see you from across the room? Can your child see the smile on their grandmother’s face as they watch your child play? What about the details of the rivers on the map? You may want to simulate […]

When Your Baby or Toddler Is Blind or Low Vision

Baby after eye surgery wearing eye protection. 

Having a baby is one of life’s most joyous experiences, but new parents may often feel as though their world has been turned upside down! As precious as children are, they don’t arrive with a set of instructions. If you’ve just learned that your baby is blind or low vision, you may be feeling many […]

What Is Personal Futures Planning?

Happy mother, father, little daughter and baby son playing with wooden toys at home.

Navigating the Journey from Birth to Graduation For children with special needs, the journey from infancy to adulthood is marked by several key planning stages. These stages are designed to ensure educational success and smooth transitions at different phases of life. From birth until the age of three, infants and toddlers are supported by an […]

Life Planning Checklist for a Child with Special Needs

Wooden figures family standing beside a wooden house on a wooden cube that writes the word family.

by Steve Morris Imagine for a few moments that you can no longer care for your child due to your own illness or death. Will your child be able to maintain the same quality of life that they now enjoy? Some of the key questions that should be addressed to answer this broader question are […]