Creating Positive Experiences for Siblings  

Children walking together outdoors.

Siblings share a unique and special bond, experiencing many years of family life together and finding emotional support in each other.  Emotional and Social Development  Siblings often serve as a primary source of emotional support and development for each other. Interacting with siblings allows children to develop essential social-emotional skills, such as communication, negotiation, conflict […]

When People Stare at a Brother or Sister

Group of school children gossiping and laughing at insecure classmate.

Having a sibling who is blind or has low vision, sometimes with additional disabilities, can draw public attention, leading to stares or questions from others. This can be uncomfortable for their brothers and sisters, often causing feelings of embarrassment, anger, or shame. Here are some strategies to help siblings cope with these situations: Explaining People’s […]

Building Healthy Families When a Baby Is Blind or Has Low Vision

Multigenerational group of men and boys smiling and laughing outdoors.

The birth of a baby is a pivotal moment for a family, impacting everyone from parents to siblings, and extending to grandparents, aunts, uncles, and cousins. When your baby is born with blindness or low vision, this can introduce unique challenges and changes for the entire family. Supporting Your Partner You and your spouse or […]