Eye Care Professionals Who May Work with Your Child

Mother and little girl - optometrist Checks Child's Eye

Finding the Right Eye Care Professionals for Your Child Your family may have little or no experience finding and working with medical specialists. However, if your child has been diagnosed with an eye condition, it becomes important to find a specialist. Your family doctor may be the first professional to consult. The doctor may be […]

Children with Multiple Disabilities Need the Expanded Core Curriculum, Too!

A teen sitting on the gym floor engaging with a large colorful ball.

Who Are These Learners? Among other sources, the Centers for Disease Control has estimated that over 70 percent of children with complex needs have blindness or low vision as one of their co-existing exceptionalities. These children might have one or more of the co-existing disabilities listed in the IDEA legislation including intellectual, emotional/behavioral, and specific […]

Toilet Training When Your Child Has Multiple Disabilities

A child sitting on a toilet reaching for toilet paper.

Toileting, or elimination, is something everyone does throughout the day, so helping your child achieve more independence in this area is likely to be a high priority for you and your family. If your child is consistently dry for 1-1/2 to 2 hours and can wake up from a nap without soiling, she may be […]