Adapting Your Home

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)

Much of the information provided in your child’s world is visual in nature. Adapting materials may be necessary when working with young children with blindness or low vision. Adaptations include enhancing the visual characteristics of materials, using real-life objects, and making materials more tactilely interesting.

Baby playing behind safety gate.

“Baby Proofing” Your Home When Your Child Is Blind or Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Safety First Your first and most basic consideration in adapting your home to meet your blind or low-vision baby’s special needs is safety. Take a look at your infant’s immediate surroundings—such as the crib, changing table, and playpen—and check for the following concerns: Because your baby has limited […]

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Colorful toys on white carpet in a children’s room. 

Adapting Your Home for a Child Who Is Blind or Has Low Vision

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Keep small objects away from infants who are blind or have low vision. Secure all cords. Stay close to them during daily chores. This makes them feel safe. Assessing Your Home for a Child with Low Vision In addition to thinking about safety (See “Baby Proofing Your Home […]

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Display of an oven with braille labels added to buttons.

Kitchen Appliance Accessibility for Families with Children Who Are Blind

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Do you wonder how your child can help with chores around the house? How can they warm up a snack or make popcorn in the microwave? How can your child wash a load of clothes? Here are some tips to help you and your child make household appliances […]

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A toddler sitting in a car wearing green glasses holding a steering wheel. 

Helping Children Who are Blind or Low Vision Explore the Community

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Concepts related to work (business, uniform, boss, customer) are built on concepts learned in the community. Your child needs meaningful community experiences now so that you can later teach more advanced concepts, such as job-hunting and networking. Teach your child about business locations by visiting them. Examples include […]

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One dollar bill in front of kid child boy face cover eyes or mouth.

Helping Your Child With Blindness or Low Vision Learn in the Community

This content is also available in: Español (Spanish)Successful transition from high school to college, trade school, or work involves more than knowledge of possible jobs, proper social interactions, and self-care. Successful transition involves much observation and rehearsing in the real world. While it is good and necessary to talk to your child about making and […]

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